Data: Power or Democracy?

Reading time: 2 min


We are witnessing an interesting battle in huge enterprises.

Managers on different levels have realized for a while that if they are the ones who access the data assets of their company than they can strengthen their positions best. Many have also recognized that it is worth taking the lead when it comes to data warehouses and analytical systems. By being the source of the initiative they can shape the data structures according to their own perspectives. Not only does it help them to manage the important processes but they can also gain advantage due to the fact that sooner or later others will turn to them for information. (Not many calculated the extra workload it means for their departments as – regardless of their original role – they will become data providers).

Data has become a factor of power in the eyes of many managers.

On the other hand, workflows have become more data intensive than ever before, even for those who work at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy. Most of the modern organizations have recognized that it is worthwhile to extend the rules of democracy to the usage of data and to allow their employees to access the data. Thus, fewer steps are required in the workflows and decisions are made more quickly. What is more, employees will become more motivated as they see the general goals clearer. By noticing this trend, all significant Business Intelligence (BI) suppliers have moved towards self-service systems. The experts can get answers to more and more complex problems with an interface that is easy to understand and to operate – the data as a factor of power has started to slip out of the hands of overbearing managers. Interestingly, the start-ups in the field of Big Data have set similar goals. They provide access to Big Data datasets through a simple interface; in this way, no special knowledge is required to analyse data.

I believe that the democratization of data is irreversible. Although it is possible to use politics in a clever way within the rules of democracy, different tools are necessary than in the era of absolute monarchies…

Hiflylabs creates business value from data. The core of the team has been working together for 15 years, currently with more than 50 passionate employees.

The picture was taken by the Royal Navy.

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